"From the Whistler warrior who laps the bike park, to the athlete who runs the half marathon, to the rider trying to survive the pow, to the ones who do it all, ReAlignment Lab helps you exceed your fitness potential through collaborative treatment from trainers and massage therapists who are out there doing it with you."

– ReAlignment Lab


Join us for our Annual BikeKamp Clinic & BootKamp with Kyle at ReAlignment Lab.

Kyle has been an avid mountain biker in Whistler since 2015 and has discovered that the stronger he is in the gym the stronger he feels on his bike.

BikeKamp is designed to get you Bike-Fit for the Summer and help you prepare for the Enduro season.

Weekly classes are divided into upper and lower body strength training, but always include core and stability training to create a strong foundation. We also focus on metabolic conditioning to increase cardiovascular fitness and endurance to last through those long mountain rides.

We strongly believe that mobility plays a crucial role in tapping into our body’s performance abilities and ensuring a pain-free and injury-free body. BikeKamp also includes access to our Functional Yoga and Mobility Class on Zoom once a week.

We keep our classes small to help you receive optimal coaching, whilst still being able to enjoy the high energy of group fitness with like minded individuals.

Towards the end of the Kamp there will be 3 days dedicated to the Bike Skills Clinic with ZEP Mountain Bike Camps to hone your on-Bike skills to further increase your success and confidence on your bike.

BikeKamp is a Specialty Kamp that is only offered once per year.

BikeKamp is closed for this year, check back in early 2025 for details on the next Kamp!

Checkout KyleKamp for our year round bootcamp.




The ReAlignment Approach...
How does Kyle coach?

Kyle has a specific and detailed approach when it comes to personal training and coaching. He strongly believes that correct movement patterns are powerful. He has seen and lived the results that quality of movement and correct alignment can create. It is this ethos that underpins each and every session with his clients.
Kyle gives great care and consideration to every aspect of his programming, whether it be personal training, KyleKamp classes or group fitness. From the warm up to the cool down, every part of a workout is relevant and there is a purpose/reason/why every movement is performed. While intensity and strength are both important facets of training, Kyle firmly believes that it is the quality of the movement (above everything) that will ensure clients achieve their goals efficiently and safely. 10 properly executed push ups are more beneficial than 20 sloppy/poorly executed push ups that are of little benefit, or at worst, can potentially cause a shoulder injury. 
The more time that is taken to move correctly will result in the body instinctively moving better in all other pursuits. This approach helps participants to stay mobile, healthy and active long term.